Walter Mason Camp papers 1905-1925


Walter Mason Camp papers 1905-1925

The collection consists of correspondence, interview notes, general research and field notes, drafts of writings, photographs, maps, newsclippings and miscellaneous research and reference materials created and collected by Camp, and pertaining to the Indian Wars of the plains (1864-1890). The bulk of the collection consists of the correspondence (1908-1923), interviews, general research and field notes (1890-1924). Chief interviewees and correspondents were the officers, enlisted men, and Indian scouts of the U.S. 7th Cavalry, and the Indians who fought at the Battle of Little Bighorn. Significant information on the other battles is also present in the papers, including the following: Slim Buttes, Washita, Beecher Island, Wounded Knee, Wagon Box, Adobe Walls, Rosebud, Redwater Creek, Platte Bridge and Red Buttes, Nez Perce Campaign, Hayfield Fight, Dull Knife Fight, Fetterman Massacre, Conner-Cole Expedition and the Battle of Buffalo Wallow.

7 boxes, (3.5 linear ft.); 2 half boxes, (0.5 linear ft.)


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